Monday 7 July 2014

retreat for your health

Dear readers, I am writing to you from my stay at a health retreat at the foot of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia. As I write this I can hear the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees, the birds chirping and whistling, and the sun is shining in all it’s glory. It’s a serene place in the Australian bush. Sorry Melburnians, I know it’s been rainy and cold for you!

At the moment I am doing a juice and water fast so my body can physiologically rest. It’s tough, yes, but I’ve needed this time to be able to reset my health. I liken my time here to needing to service my car or reboot my computer. I am resetting my health so that I can continue to recover from a chronic illness, do the things I love, and keep moving forward. Plus, I love a good road trip.

Wish you were here with me too?! (Well, maybe not, if the idea of only consuming juice and water does not sound appealing to you!). Never fear! There are numerous things you can do from home and work into your schedule to reset your health and feel like you are on a (mini) retreat!!

Here are my ideas for retreating for your health from wherever you may be:
  • First up, sleep 7 to 9 hours every night, preferably between the hours of 10pm to 7am.
  • Take yourself (and a friend) along to a wellness event or conference. Learn about health, wellness and nutrition from health experts who walk their talk. If you live in Melbourne, check out Friends Gather Round!
  • Cut down on your screen time, especially after work hours and 2-3 hours before bedtime. Your brain and body are kept awake by artificial lights so turn the lights down and the screens off to wind down at the end of the day. And I’ll put it out there, no one needs to be constantly connected online. Try to connect with people in real life!
  • Eat as many plant-based meals and snacks as possible. In other words, cut down or cut out meat, dairy and eggs, and if you’re really game, caffeine, alcohol and gluten from your diet for anywhere from 3 to 10 days. Keep a food diary to take note of what you eat and how you feel after eating . You’ll notice a difference I promise (I’ll eat my hat if you don’t!).
  • Drink more water, filtered if possible, and at least 2 litres a day. And herbal teas count!
  • Schedule in time for exercise every day, whether that be walking, cycling, running, skipping, swimming, dancing, Pilates, personal training or a group fitness class. Find exercise that you enjoy and that you don’t have to travel a long distance for. Walking outdoors for 30 minutes is a gentle and refreshing way to start!
  • Write down the dreams in your heart and steps for how to move towards them. 
  • Find time during the day, morning, noon or night, to just be. It may be as little as 5 minutes up to a few hours a day, but try and find the time to sit or lay down without any distractions, any noise, and any little hands on you to just be still and just breathe. You may also wish to read that book on your list or spend time journalling and in prayer. 
  • Go on a road trip to your favourite place with your favourite person, and be fully present with this human being on your adventure together!
  • Process your emotions constructively through sharing or creativity. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, sad, angry, overwhelmed, hurt, betrayed, weary or any other emotion that feels heavy I encourage you to find a way to express it through writing, painting, drawing, or even talking to someone who can help you to process it, such as a counsellor, life coach, pastor or trusted friend. 
  • Make sure you spend time outside during the day in the fresh air and sunshine!
  • If you are suffering from a serious health ailment or complaint I recommend that you visit a health practitioner (naturopath, holistic doctor, health coach) for more specific health advice tailored to you.

The more you retreat for your health, the more you will move towards better health, and a happier and healthier life - which means you have more time and energy to do the things you were put on this earth to do! Just a note of warning: you can feel worse before you feel better, but know that this too will pass and on the other side is a happier and healthier version of you!

Until next time, be well, dear readers. 

Quote for the Road

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