Monday, 28 July 2014

a single woman's take on healing with love and laughter

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (ESV).

In my late teens I found myself in a dysfunctional relationship with a young man from a broken home. Beneath his ruggedly handsome exterior was a manipulative heart, a cruel mouth and an ugly personality. It ended after eighteen months but not before the damage he inflicted; he broke my heart and crushed my spirit. I've been on a journey of healing ever since.

Sounds like an all too familiar story, doesn't it?

Today, the only One who holds my heart is Jesus. Yes, the only One who my whole worth is wrapped up in is my God. I can trust Him completely; He will never let me down and He will always love me unconditionally - without exception.

My relationship with Him is the most meaningful and the most important relationship of my whole life. It is built every day on love, trust and faith. And prayer.

And laughter.

I remember a couple of years ago discovering an organic orchard with a small shop and cafe converted from an old barn on my way home from church. I was sooo very delighted by this discovery that I bought two bags of beautiful red apples that cost the same as the car wash I had put money aside for that week. As I got into my car to drive home I heard an amused voice speak to my heart, "I guess you won't be getting that car wash!" My God shared in my delight and together we laughed. We laughed over beautiful red apples.

I'm not an expert on relationships by any stretch of the imagination. But these days I choose to build healthy relationships. I choose to embrace people who make life brighter, better and more beautiful. And I choose to laugh with people. Laughter helps us to bond. Laughter can break down the things that separate people to bring them together in a more intimate way which overlooks offence, forgives shortcomings and believes for the best. Laughter can be a bridge to love. Laughter can be a healing mechanism for all those broken hearts and crushed spirits.

I also choose to let go of the toxic relationships. You know, the ones that bring you down, leave you drained, and where there is no give and take - just the taking (that is to say, the taking from you).

No, I'm not a relationship guru but I have learnt some things about living a life of wellness and how to partner with my God to facilitate healing in and through my life. And so, here's what I do know about healing your heart, your relationships and your life: 
Learn to laugh with those who will walk with you and let go of all the rest;
Choose wisely as you open your heart for you deserve the very best.
One last thought… Laughter is the bridge but love is the destination. And love, well, love never fails.

All my love, my friends.

Quote for the Road…

To all my single sistas in Christ who are waiting - I pray you choose to wait for him. And always wait on Him

Monday, 21 July 2014

the bestest plant-based blogs

Hello friends! I hope you've all had a rejuvenating weekend and are ready to start the week afresh. Me, I soaked in the hot mineral springs in Victoria to relax and detox with one of my lovely friends, made fresh OJ with organic oranges from a heritage-listed property my parents own, started spring cleaning (yes, I know it's not Spring here in Australia yet, but I'm getting a head start!) and soaked in the presence of God at my church, Planetshakers. I'm honestly quite physically tired today but these are the little (and big) things that make my life joyful and refreshing! What are the things that make your heart sing? (Or even beat a little quicker!)

My wing-woman Jo and I drinking our morning OJ!

Today, I thought I'd share with you some of my most favourite vegan blogs I go to when I need an awesome recipe and some plant-based inspiration. Each blogger has their own creative food flair and all have an understanding of health, wellness and nutrition. Some do raw, some do desserts, all do good!

So, without further ado, here are my fave vegan blogs for your health and your taste buds…
And here are some healthy whole food (though not exclusively plant-based) blogs by Aussies…
There are sooooo many vegan blogs out there in cyberspace it can be hard to keep track but if you like this little list of mine and need more plant-based inspiration check out this vegan food blog guide by The Vegan Woman. 

And lastly, just an update on what the rest of the year holds for me - I'll be working on changing my blog over to Wordpress so that I can have more features and more content for you all. I'm going to delve head first into creating a bigger and better health and wellness blog with plant-based recipes, detox/cleanse plans, health and wellness tips, and maybe even an eBook! I love hearing from you and appreciate all your support as I keep travelling down the road of recovery from a chronic illness and hopefully, emerge a beautiful blogging butterfly!

Until next time, all my love!

Quote for the Road…

Monday, 14 July 2014

eating well at work 101

I'm back from my health retreat all rested and ready to go! I've been working on a little post for you on how to eat well at work. To eat healthy, nourishing meals isn't hard but it does require a bit of preparation and planning. If you work from home you have access to a kitchen more frequently during the day. However, if you work away from home, it can be harder to get your hands on a healthy meal due to limitations on your time and in your workplace. Now I've covered that, let me say, it is not impossible to eat well at work!

These tips and tricks work for me when I have long days away from home. I always plan ahead and pack the night before. If I'm away from home all day, I'll pack every meal and snack, and all the water I'll need, the menu for which may look like this (for me)…

breakfast: fruit salad or chia seed pudding
snack: activated nuts or carrot sticks with hummus 
lunch: raw colourful salad with quinoa or buckwheat
snack: green juice or vegetable soup
dinner: green smoothie or cashew chai mylk
snack: bliss balls or raw chocolate

drink between meals: 2-3 litres filtered water

Before I reveal my tips and tricks let me say this: if you work loooooooong days and are needing caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate) to keep you going, try to cut back and see if eating more nutritious food fills your energy tank with fuel. Then, if you are ready, GO CAFFEINE FREE!!! Personally, I am very caffeine sensitive - I feel wired and then I feel tired! It's a false energy and very depleting. Not to mention it interrupts your wake and sleep cycle. Why not try a brewed dandelion latte instead?!

Anyway (rant over!), here are my tips and tricks for eating well at work:
  • Always be prepared! Pack your own lunch in a thermos or cooler bag and have healthy snacks on hand.
  • Avoid a mid-morn or mid-arvo slump by eating every 3-4 hours for women and 4-5 hours for men. 
  • Choose brain food for fuel. Foods for optimal brain function are walnuts, olives, berries, beets, spinach, avocados, wild alaskan salmon and any healthy fats.
  • Cook once and eat twice so that you can take the leftovers to work for lunch the next day.
  • Don’t keep sugary artificial chemicalised junk faux foods anywhere within your reach!
  • Drink water or herbal teas between meals (at least 2 litres a day). Invest in stainless steel water bottles to lug your filtered water around in or buy a bobble water bottle.
  • Healthy snacks include vegetable sticks with hummus or guacamole, seeds and nuts, superfood trail mix, chia seed pudding, fresh fruit (any seasonal fruit), rice cakes or flaxseed crackers with avocado or tahini, bliss balls, raw chocolate, and a green juice, nut mylk or a green smoothie.
  • Just say no to the office food naughties unless they fall into the healthy snack list or it’s a wheatgrass shot from the office health nut!
  • Move your body during the workday with short walks and stretches to stimulate your metabolism.
  • Prepare your breakfast and lunch the night before so in the morning you can pack your meals into a thermos or cooler bag and head out the door hassle free. 
  • Replace your favourite foods with healthy alternatives - trade in the lamingtons for bliss balls, mars bars for raw chocolate and the baked goods for homemade muesli muffins.
  • Write up a meal plan for the week and then write up your daily or weekly menu on a chalkboard in your kitchen (thanks to my cousin for the idea!).

Quote for the Road… 

Monday, 7 July 2014

retreat for your health

Dear readers, I am writing to you from my stay at a health retreat at the foot of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia. As I write this I can hear the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees, the birds chirping and whistling, and the sun is shining in all it’s glory. It’s a serene place in the Australian bush. Sorry Melburnians, I know it’s been rainy and cold for you!

At the moment I am doing a juice and water fast so my body can physiologically rest. It’s tough, yes, but I’ve needed this time to be able to reset my health. I liken my time here to needing to service my car or reboot my computer. I am resetting my health so that I can continue to recover from a chronic illness, do the things I love, and keep moving forward. Plus, I love a good road trip.

Wish you were here with me too?! (Well, maybe not, if the idea of only consuming juice and water does not sound appealing to you!). Never fear! There are numerous things you can do from home and work into your schedule to reset your health and feel like you are on a (mini) retreat!!

Here are my ideas for retreating for your health from wherever you may be:
  • First up, sleep 7 to 9 hours every night, preferably between the hours of 10pm to 7am.
  • Take yourself (and a friend) along to a wellness event or conference. Learn about health, wellness and nutrition from health experts who walk their talk. If you live in Melbourne, check out Friends Gather Round!
  • Cut down on your screen time, especially after work hours and 2-3 hours before bedtime. Your brain and body are kept awake by artificial lights so turn the lights down and the screens off to wind down at the end of the day. And I’ll put it out there, no one needs to be constantly connected online. Try to connect with people in real life!
  • Eat as many plant-based meals and snacks as possible. In other words, cut down or cut out meat, dairy and eggs, and if you’re really game, caffeine, alcohol and gluten from your diet for anywhere from 3 to 10 days. Keep a food diary to take note of what you eat and how you feel after eating . You’ll notice a difference I promise (I’ll eat my hat if you don’t!).
  • Drink more water, filtered if possible, and at least 2 litres a day. And herbal teas count!
  • Schedule in time for exercise every day, whether that be walking, cycling, running, skipping, swimming, dancing, Pilates, personal training or a group fitness class. Find exercise that you enjoy and that you don’t have to travel a long distance for. Walking outdoors for 30 minutes is a gentle and refreshing way to start!
  • Write down the dreams in your heart and steps for how to move towards them. 
  • Find time during the day, morning, noon or night, to just be. It may be as little as 5 minutes up to a few hours a day, but try and find the time to sit or lay down without any distractions, any noise, and any little hands on you to just be still and just breathe. You may also wish to read that book on your list or spend time journalling and in prayer. 
  • Go on a road trip to your favourite place with your favourite person, and be fully present with this human being on your adventure together!
  • Process your emotions constructively through sharing or creativity. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, sad, angry, overwhelmed, hurt, betrayed, weary or any other emotion that feels heavy I encourage you to find a way to express it through writing, painting, drawing, or even talking to someone who can help you to process it, such as a counsellor, life coach, pastor or trusted friend. 
  • Make sure you spend time outside during the day in the fresh air and sunshine!
  • If you are suffering from a serious health ailment or complaint I recommend that you visit a health practitioner (naturopath, holistic doctor, health coach) for more specific health advice tailored to you.

The more you retreat for your health, the more you will move towards better health, and a happier and healthier life - which means you have more time and energy to do the things you were put on this earth to do! Just a note of warning: you can feel worse before you feel better, but know that this too will pass and on the other side is a happier and healthier version of you!

Until next time, be well, dear readers. 

Quote for the Road